back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

On Your Feet Britain Day – Don’t Sit on Your Health Problems!

On the 29th April this year, On Your Feet Britain day will see people of the UK implement simple changes into their daily routine – all in an effort to stand more and sit less. For some, these changes may mean parking the car further away from their office. For others it may mean taking…

What the Human Spine Endures While Running.

What the Human Spine Endures While Running.

This month will see tens of thousands of runners put their bodies to the ultimate test as they take to the streets of the capital for this year’s London Marathon. But while running is an excellent form of aerobic activity and an enjoyable hobby for many, how risky is it on the spine? Our chiropractor…

back care advice from a fareham chiropractor

National Gardening Week – How To Prevent Those Green Fingered Injuries!

As summertime begins to glisten upon Fareham, many of us sunny locals will be getting our gardens all pretty and pristine. But will you be risking your back health in the process? Here at our chiropractic clinic, we regularly get asked about how to keep that all-important spine safe while doing household chores, such as…