3 Surprising Everyday Things That Could be Causing Your Back Pain

3 Surprising Everyday Things That Could be Causing Your Back Pain

Most of us are aware of the major factors that contribute to back pain – poor posture, inactivity, unhealthy eating – we’re regularly warned against these bad habits. But there are some lesser mentioned causes that could be impacting our spinal health. Our Fareham chiropractor reveals three surprising everyday issues that may just be the…

back care advice from our Homewood Chiropractor in Fareham

Don’t Let Your Back Pain Ruin Your Summer Plans!

The sun is shining and everyone is making plans for fun and adventure-packed days out. Family talks revolve around summer getaways, long days at the beach and anything and everything that screams “outdoors!”. But all you can think about is how your back is going to survive the summer social calendar. Our Fareham chiropractor explains…

spine health advice from a Fareham chiropractor

Summer’s Here But is Your Back in Blossoming Health?

Summertime makes us more interested in our health and wellbeing. From bronzing our skin to getting our bodies ‘beach ready’, there’s just something about the summer months that gets us energised to look and feel healthy. But while a mirror can easily tell us if we need to drop a few pounds or tone up…