When suffering back pain it can be tempting to grasp at any ideas that are suggested as ‘cures’ for back pain. Anything to ease the pain suddenly sounds like not such a crazy idea!
Some of the strangest ‘cures’ members of the British Chiropractic Association have shared include using WD4o and drinking ones own urine. You may have heard others? With back pain on the increase, ‘cures’ for back pain may increase too. It is estimated that 80% of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives.
Whilst the ‘cures’ we referred to are probably more extreme, there are a number of myths that are still held about the best things to do if you are suffering back pain.
One of the most common of these myths is that ‘rest is best’. Unfortunately in most cases this couldn’t be further from what is best. Resting may seem like a good idea, continuing moderate activity is more likely to help in the long run.
Along with staying active, staying hydrated is important for the health of your back and in helping prevent back pain.
Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for our chiropractors to hear patients tell us that their age is at fault. We say unfortunately as ageing does not have to result in back pain. Of course, ageing can have an impact on our back health, however, back pain can occur at any age. In fact back pain is being experienced by younger and younger people. The fact is that lifestyle factors such as inactivity are more often the cause than ageing of itself.
If you are suffering back pain then getting to the cause of your problem is important both to help get you out of pain in the short term and prevent the pain reoccurring in the long term.
Chiropractic is a safe and effective form of treatment for back pain. Our experienced team of chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic are committed to getting to the root of our patients’ problems. We treat every patient with utmost professionalism and as a patient you will receive a course treatment, if appropriate, tailored to your individual needs.
You can find out more about what to expect when you visit our clinic here.
If you are suffering back pain our chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic are here to help.