Don’t Let Your Back Pain Ruin Your Summer Plans!

back care advice from our Homewood Chiropractor in FarehamThe sun is shining and everyone is making plans for fun and adventure-packed days out. Family talks revolve around summer getaways, long days at the beach and anything and everything that screams “outdoors!”. But all you can think about is how your back is going to survive the summer social calendar.

Our Fareham chiropractor explains that summer can put unnecessary pressure on many people suffering from back pain – they want to be involved in the family’s plans, but worry about how the extra physical activity may impact their existing back condition. If this resonates with you then there is good news – as this article highlights simple measures that you can take to ensure your back pain doesn’t hinder your summer plans.

Simple Tip # 1: Cool Down

Not many people associate the soaring summer temperatures with a shift in pain levels, but the change from spring to summer could possibly trigger joint pain. Make sure you use a fan or a cold pack while you’re outdoors in the summer and move inside frequently. It’s also a good idea to plan activities for early in the morning or during the evening to avoid the sunshine at its peak strength.

Simple Tip # 2: Eat Well

Just because you may not feel like standing over a hot stove on a sweltering summer’s day, it doesn’t mean you should resort to eating unhealthily. While the local chip-shop or fast food restaurant may seem like easy options, try and choose healthy alternatives instead. Mouth-watering summer fruits such as peaches, melons and fresh berries are jam-packed with health-boosting anti-oxidants and are also great for helping to reduce inflammation. Cherries are also known to contain pain-fighting compounds.

Simple Tip #3: Don’t forget your treatment plan

While summer is an extremely busy season, your back issues will not stop for your plans. If you are planning a holiday or a day trip, tell your chiropractor so that you can rearrange any appointments around your upcoming summer schedule. Don’t miss any of your appointments or put off making any appointments that you feel you need.

It may also help to tell your chiropractor about any upcoming physical activities you may be involved in so that he/ she can advise you on what may/ may not be safe for your current back condition.

So there you have them – three incredibly simple tips for a sizzling summer!

Our experienced team of chiropractors are here to help and advise you on all aspects to do with your back pain.

For friendly advice or to book an appointment, contact us today on 01329 280 283 or email

Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham, Southampton


Our Experience Counts: 55 Years in Fareham

Serving the people of Fareham, and surrounding areas of Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the local areas of Whiteley, Hedge End, Locks Heath & Portchester