Fancy a Stretch? Advice for Lower Back Pain From Our Chiropractor

back pain treated at Homewood chiropractic  Being a busy Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham, we regularly treat patients who are suffering from lower back pain. And with more and more people spending lengthier durations at their desks or computers, the modern lower back pain ‘epidemic’ isn’t likely to ease off any time soon. But while digital technological advances are somewhat out of our control, how we treat our backs isn’t. Having a desk job shouldn’t mean we have to put up with painful back conditions; regularly working at a computer shouldn’t mean we have to succumb to chronic muscle tension.

Our chiropractor advises that it takes just a few minutes per day to maintain back health and avoid repetitive workplace injury. Of course, keeping an eye on your posture and taking regular breaks away from your computer are among the most important, but there are also effective stretching techniques that help to prevent and relieve lower back pain.

Here are three top stretching tips to start turning your back on lower back pain:

1: Knee to Chest Stretch

Lying on a flat surface, stretch both of your legs out in front of you. Bring one knee in towards your chest (use your hand to gently pull your leg) and hold it in position. Repeat this exercise with your other leg.

2: Crossed Leg Stretch

Lie on your back and cross your left leg over so your left foot sits just above your knee on your right leg. In this position, bend and lift your right leg towards your chest. As you’re doing this, hold the back of your right thigh and pull your leg as close to your chest as possible (this will help to extend the stretch). If you find it difficult to reach your thigh, use a wrapped towel or a strap as a handle to pull the thigh towards you. You should remain flat throughout this exercise without raising your head or shoulders.

3: Cross and Twist Stretch

Lie flat on your back, cross your right foot over your left knee and rest your foot flat on the floor. Once you’re in position, gently twist your lower body to the left while keeping your shoulders flat on the floor. For an extended stretch, use your left hand to pull your right knee forward and down towards the floor. Repeat this exercise on the other side.

Remember to stop immediately if you develop pain or your pain worsens during any of the above exercises. However, you should always discuss any new exercise programme with your GP, chiropractor or other health care practitioner before you start.

Life may make it easy for us to develop back pain, but you can make it easy to prevent it.

For friendly advice or to book an appointment with one of our experienced team of chiropractors, contact us today on 01329 280 283 or email

Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham, Southampton


Our Experience Counts: 55 Years in Fareham

Serving the people of Fareham, and surrounding areas of Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the local areas of Whiteley, Hedge End, Locks Heath & Portchester