Make This The Year The Year You Beat Back Pain For Good!

back care advice from our fareham chiropractorChronic back pain can be all-encompassing, affecting your work, activities, sleep and social life.  Think you’ve tried everything to manage your chronic pain? Try these proven tips from our Fareham chiropractor and make this the year you turn your back on pain for good:

Listen to Your Body

Don’t ignore your pain, even if you’re used to it! Chronic pain is like a crying puppy; it has a tendency to get louder in order to grab your attention. When you feel your pain coming on or worsening, stop what you’re doing and focus your attention on trying to pinpoint the pain’s exact location and intensity. This will be helpful when you speak to your doctor or chiropractor.

Keep Moving

Avoiding exercise when you’re in pain may seem like the natural thing to do, but activity can ease stiff joints, increase blood flow to certain areas and curb painful flare-ups. Exercise is also one of the best ways to help you sleep more deeply, lift your mood, and help you lose weight, all of which can help towards reducing chronic pain.

Learn New Ways to Think About Pain

How you think about and respond to pain plays an important role in how you experience and manage it. For example, when you tense up in response to pain, your muscles contract, which puts you at risk of creating more pain.  Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help people develop more constructive ways of dealing with daily pain.

As you will know all too well if you suffer from it, when chronic pain goes on for a long time, it can get awfully discouraging.  But there are solutions out there – and there will be one that works well for you! Don’t accept chronic pain as part of your life, as there is always a way to manage it – even if you think you’ve tried everything.

Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham, Southampton


Our Experience Counts: 55 Years in Fareham

Serving the people of Fareham, and surrounding areas of Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the local areas of Whiteley, Hedge End, Locks Heath & Portchester