Take care of your back while gardening with some advice from a Fareham Chiropractor

back care advice from chiropractor farehamAt this time of year our chiropractors at Homewood Clinic often see more patients who have injured their backs while gardening.

While gardening can be a great form of exercise we want to remind all you gardeners of a few tips and some good advice that will minimise the risk to your back over the coming months.

  • Make sure you are wearing the right clothing. Avoid wearing anything too tight or too restrictive.
  •  Warm up with a few simple stretches and start with a few lighter jobs and work up to the heavier ones.
  • Get as close to the plants and things you are working on to avoid overstretching and overreaching and putting unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints.  Use long handled tools to help here.
  • Kneel or squat rather than bend to plant or weed. Using a padded kneeler will make this more comfortable.
  • When lifting and carrying, keep the object as close to your body as possible, bend your knees and keep you back straight, sometimes it’s better to bend on one knee rather than on both. You want to ensure that the stronger muscles in your legs and knees do the work, keeping the stress off your lower back. With bags of compost why not split them into smaller, lighter bags.
  • Vary the task that you are doing and don’t spend more than 20 – 30 minutes on any one task
  • Take regular breaks and drink plenty of water to keep your muscles and joints healthy and active

Follow the above advice to keep your back safe gardening this summer.

If you are suffering from back pain or have other concerns please get in touch with us as we offer a lot of help and advice to get you back up and running as soon as possible. You can contact us at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic on 01329 280 283 or email frontdesk@homewoodchiropractic.co.uk

Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham, Southampton


Our Experience Counts: 55 Years in Fareham

Serving the people of Fareham, and surrounding areas of Southampton, Portsmouth, Hampshire and the local areas of Whiteley, Hedge End, Locks Heath & Portchester