Conditions We Treat in Chiropractic
At Homewood Chiropractic we diagnose, manage, and treat pain and problems with the musculoskeletal system – the body’s muscles, ligaments and joints. We have exceptional expertise and the best equipment and facilities to get you back to your best as fast as possible.
Expert Chiropractic Care In Fareham
Homewood Chiropractic can help you with a variety of conditions through advice, reassurance and hands on treatment from highly skilled and experienced Chiropractors.
A range of professional Chiropractic treatments and techniques can be used on the joints and tissues to relieve your pain.
When Chiropractic treatment is not suitable – particularly if your pain has arisen from an underlying health condition, injury, or accident – then your Chiropractor will refer you to an appropriate specialist.
Our aim is to help you to feel as well as possible, as quickly as possible so that you can get back to getting the most out of life.
Don’t continue to suffer; Book an appointment online or call our Clinic to find out how we can help.
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What Conditions Do You Treat?
Back Pain
Back pain is the most common condition requiring treatment from a Chiropractor and has many causes. If your back pain is general, acute, or chronic backache then Chiropractic treatment is likely to be a suitable solution. Your Chiropractor may also be able to help with sciatica – pain caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, and lumbago – lower back pain. Learn More …
Neck Pain
Causes of neck pain range from minor cricks to more serious underlying issues with the pain often also affecting the shoulders, arms, and chest. Neck problems can even affect areas of the body below because the spinal cord runs through the neck to the rest of the body. We can help with mechanical neck pain, neck stiffness and soreness, neck pain caused by poor posture, neck pain caused by tension in the neck or shoulders, and cervicogenic headache arising from the neck. Learn More …
Joint Pain
Chiropractic treatment can help with a range of joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis and rotator cuff injuries, disease, or disorders.
Shoulder Pain
Chiropractic treatment is suitable for mechanical shoulder pain, dysfunction, and soft tissue disorders of the shoulder.
Generalised Aches and Pains
If you are suffering from generalised aches and pains or conditions like muscle spasms and cramp, then chiropractic treatment may be able to help.
Minor Sports Injuries
Chiropractors can help with some conditions caused by minor sports injuries and Chiropractic care can be a crucial part of sports injury recovery and rehabilitation. Chiropractors are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of MSK conditions and so will know who to send you to for help, if they are unable to help. Conditions arising from sports injuries where Chiropractic may be able to help include tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), short-term management of ankle sprain and plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes), and rotator cuff injuries.
Migraine Prevention
Chiropractic techniques like massage, mobilisation and manipulation, diet and lifestyle advice can relieve and prevent the symptoms of migraines and other types of headaches like tension headaches and cervicogenic headaches.
Poor Posture
Poor posture is a common cause of pain in the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic techniques, advice and exercises can be used to relieve the pain caused by poor posture and your Chiropractor can help you to make lifestyle changes to improve your posture and prevent future pain. Learn More …
Tension and Inability to Relax
Your chiropractor can help relieve muscle tension by unravelling muscle knots and the use of realignment techniques. Dietary and lifestyle advice is an important part of helping with tension and inability to relax too.
Not Sure If Homewood Chiropractic Can Help You?
If you’re not sure if we can help you at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic then you can take up our “Free Chiro Check” offer.
It’s a 15 minute informal, private chat which will help you decide if we are the right clinic for you.
How to book your Free Chiro Check?
Simply call our clinic and ask for a Free Chiro Check.