Our Free 15 Minute Chiro Check Can Help You Decide
Right now you may be uncertain whether we can help you with your problem. You may be unsure whether the Clinic is right for you or that the treatments we provide will help you. And that’s perfectly natural. You may have already sought help and either found it to be ineffective or not really have helped you and you don’t want to waste more time and money.
That’s why we believe that it is important that you have a risk free opportunity to come to the Clinic and meet with one of our experienced team members. Our Free Chiro Check allows you to see firsthand, our level of service and quality of care. It also gives us an opportunity to discuss your problem and how we could help you, even if it is to advise you of another Health Care Professional more suited to your condition.
Been told you need months of treatment several times a week? Get a second opinion. We do not sign you up for extensive treatment regimes. These are almost always unnecessary!
What to Expect of your Free Chiro Check
We will ask some questions and may ask you if we can perform a brief examination. You will not be asked to undress for this procedure, and it does not take the place of a properly conducted full examination.
The Chiro Check gives you the opportunity to meet us, and to decide if you like us, and it gives us the opportunity to suggest to you other options where necessary.
Not all conditions are suitable for Chiropractic, but we are often able to suggest or recommend appropriate Professionals.
Call Us Now on 01329 280 283 to book an appointment for your Free Chiro Check.