Causes and Treatment of Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common condition, with everyday lifestyle factors often being the cause of the pain.
Mechanical neck pain is usually caused by joint and muscle problems and can be treated in dedicated outpatient settings like Homewood Chiropractic clinic in Fareham.
Whatever the level of your pain, it’s important to see a specialist to relieve you of that pain and to prevent further and future damage.
Common Causes of Neck Pain
There is always a reason for your pain and finding its cause is the key to treating it and making it better. Causes of neck pain range from minor cricks to more serious underlying issues with the pain often also affecting the shoulders, arms, and chest, or causing headaches.
Chiropractors train for a minimum of four years in full-time education to be able to diagnose, manage, and treat the pain and debilitation caused by problems with the musculoskeletal system. A range of professional treatments and techniques can be used to treat the joints and tissues in the neck to relieve pain in all age groups.
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Common Causes of Neck Pain include:
- Osteoarthritis
- Inflammatory arthritic conditions
- Pulled muscles, strains, or other injuries
- Facet joint disorders and degenerative discs
- Obesity
- Trapped nerves
- Inherited disorders
- Trauma
- Fracture
- Osteoporosis and osteopenia
- Poor posture
- The wrong exercise programmes
- Sports injury
- Poor working environment
- Excessive driving
- Occupational injuries
- Sleeping awkwardly or in the wrong position
- Sleeping on the wrong mattress or pillow
- Stress and distress.
A very small proportion of neck pain may be due to an underlying health condition such as a broken bone, cancer, or an infection.
Not all of these conditions can be treated by a Chiropractor, but we are trained to diagnose and refer patients with non-mechanical neck pain to an appropriate medical specialty.
If your pain isn’t going away, is getting worse, stopping you from enjoying your life, and preventing you from sleeping, do not hesitate in seeing a neck pain specialist to help diagnose and treat your pain.
Treatment of Neck Pain
The majority of neck pain is treated in non-hospital settings: outpatient clinics or in local and often private clinical settings.
Chiropractic techniques for neck pain include manipulation, mobilisation, electrotherapy, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and lifestyle advice.
Medical treatment may include injections to nerves or joints, disc resection, fusion of joints or joint replacements, and treatments for uncommon pathologies like cancer and spinal tuberculosis.
Why ask Homewood Chiropractic for help?
Homewood Chiropractic has been treating patients in Fareham and the surrounding areas for more than 55 years. Most people seek our help following the personal recommendation of colleagues, friends, or family.
We are well-known for our expert and caring help for all ages. With an excellent reputation, 5-star Google reviews, and as a long-established clinic, you have the confidence in knowing that our very experienced team has looked after thousands of patients.
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Not Sure If Homewood Chiropractic Can Help You With Neck Pain?
If you’re not sure if we can help you at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic then you can take up our “Free Chiro Check” offer.
It’s a 15 minute informal, private chat which will help you decide if we are the right clinic for you.
How to book your Free Chiro Check?
Simply call our clinic and ask for a Free Chiro Check.
What Happens When You First Visit Homewood Chiropractic
The first step in treating your pain effectively is to have a diagnosis. During your initial visit, we will perform a thorough examination to determine how best to care for you: this will include a spinal examination; nerve, joint, and muscle tests; postural analysis; and careful scrutiny of your medical, lifestyle, and occupational history.
Our very experienced Chiropractors discuss their findings and diagnosis with you before carefully explaining how best to treat your problem.
This approach means your treatment can often start immediately. Occasionally we may suggest an XRAY, MRI or Diagnostic Ultrasound to clarify your condition. These tests are carried out in-house or at local facilities. You may also be referred immediately to your GP or a Medical Specialist in the appropriate specialism.
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How Long Is A Course Of Chiropractic Treatment?
The length of the treatment depends on your diagnosis, condition, and how you respond to it.
However, you do not have to commit to months of care and the associated cost. With no minimum course of treatment, we strive to save both your neck and your money – most people can be assessed and treated within four to eight sessions. Complicated and long-standing cases can take longer to solve, but our average treatment time is 4.8 sessions per condition.
Our Second Opinion Service can be booked to discuss an ongoing condition that is not responding as you would like, and to look into alternative treatments and care.
We also offer a regular check-up and follow-up service at the same charge as other treatments. Many people value the reassurance of a check-up and treatment to help to keep themselves in tip-top condition and to help prevent flare-ups.
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Treatment And Tests At Homewood Chiropractic
- Advice, reassurance, care, and treatment from highly qualified and experienced Chiropractors
- Treatment is carefully chosen for your age and condition.
- Chiropractic Manipulation is famous for its efficacy but we also use other forms of treatments to ease your pain and get you back to health. If you don’t want manipulation, we will treat you in other effective ways.
- Extensive treatment options, including manipulative and non-manipulative Chiropractic techniques, Activator, Traction, Sacro Occipital Technique, Cranial Therapy, Laser, Western Acupuncture, Therapeutic Ultrasound, personally tailored Exercise Programmes, posture evaluation and training, and massage.
- On-site X-ray, but with a hospital report, speeds up your diagnosis.
- Co-management of cases with other health professionals
- Treatment of athletes and people who are active to help optimise performance
- Advice on aftercare, including exercises and lifestyle changes to prevent future back pain
We aim to help you to feel as well as possible, as quickly as possible, so that you can get back to getting the most out of life.
Don’t continue to suffer; Book An Appointment with one of our experienced chiropractor to find out how we can help with your Neck Pain.
The title of „chiropractor‟ is protected by law and chiropractors are regulated by statute. The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is the UK-wide statutory body established by Parliament to regulate the chiropractic profession. They check that all chiropractors are properly qualified and fit to practise. There are five representative bodies for chiropractors in the UK: British Chiropractic Association (BCA); Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC); United Chiropractic Association (UCA); Scottish Chiropractic Association (SCA);McTimoney Chiropractic Association.