back pain treated at homewood chiropractic clinic fareham

Suffering Back Pain Can Be Scary

With Halloween around the corner our thoughts turn to ‘scary’ things. Unfortunately for many people the pain they are suffering can be very scary and distressing. It is not uncommon for our chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic to find themselves treating patients who have been suffering back (or other) pain for some considerable time with…

back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

How to Dress To Ease Your Pain

Back pain can be attributed to a myriad of causes from awkward sleeping positions to poor posture. But according to our Fareham chiropractor, wearing the wrong type of clothes can also be a major culprit for an achy spine. Those super (are they sprayed on?) skinny jeans may look the part, but clothes that are…

back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

Dreaming of Life Without Back Pain? Choose Your Mattress Wisely!

Anyone who knows anything about back pain will tell you that you should be investing in a new mattress no less than every 7 years. Sleeping on the wrong kind of mattress can worsen your back pain and even cause new back pain to develop. If your mattress is not providing the support your spine…

Last Minute Christmas Shopping Could Be a Health Hazard

Last Minute Christmas Shopping Could Be a Health Hazard

At one point or another, we’ve probably all been guilty of leaving our Christmas shopping until the very last minute. Each time it happens, we promise ourselves to be more organised next Christmas. And then another 12 months pass and we find ourselves on yet another Christmas Eve, charging through the shop aisles quicker than…