stay injury free in 2023

10 ways to stay injury free in 2023

Although Chiropractic care can help to relieve and recover many injuries, prevention is always better than cure. Whether you’re starting the year with a resolution to take on a new challenge or continuing your existing love of fitness, sport, or even day-to-day activities; working some good habits into your daily regime could make a big…

back care advice fro our fareham chiroprator

Flying Away This Summer – Please Take Care Of Your Back

The school summer holidays are nearly here and for many families this means jumping on a plane to some far away destination. Taking a much needed break is a time to relax, enjoy and recharge the batteries. Unfortunately it’s not too uncommon for our chiropractors to see patients that have returned from their holidays with…

back care advice from a Fareham chiropractor

Don’t Let A Summer Of Sports Watching Harm Your Back

Summer is here and the sporting events calendar is as full as ever. The football World Cup kicks of in a couple of days time in Russia and runs for a month, Wimbledon will be in its full glory at the start of July and the Tour de France will be winding its way around…

Back Pain Revealed! What Really Goes On Inside Your Spine.

Back Pain Revealed! What Really Goes On Inside Your Spine.

You bend, your back aches. You twist, your back aches. Sometimes, you just sit there and your back aches! Sound familiar? Let’s take a look at what really could be going on in your spine. Your back and spine are designed to give you strength and protect the highly sensitive spinal cord and nerve roots.…

Back Pain Red Flag Warning Signs

For most of the patients who visit our Fareham chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic, back pain is a troublesome but not a sinister condition. And this is true for the majority of back pain sufferers – even severe pain does not usually indicate a dangerous health problem. Remember that back pain is an extremely common phenomenon…

back care advice from a Fareham chiropractor

Visiting a theme park this summer? Back care advice for thrill seekers!

With the summer season almost here, many of us will be planning day trips out with our friends and family over the next few months. If you’re a thrill seeker who enjoys nothing more than being whipped around by a speeding roller coaster then you may want to follow some essential tips to protect your…

bacj pain advice at work from a Homewood chiropractor

Working with Back Pain

Going to work when you suffer from chronic back pain can be daunting, but the longer you stay off the greater risk you could be creating for developing long term pain. Our team of Fareham chiropractors understand that back pain may be limiting at first, but it is still usually possible to conduct most duties…

back care advice from a chiropractor in fareham

Be Kind to Your Back This Mothers Day

Mother’s Day will soon be here and for all you fantastic Mums out there that should mean a day of very much deserved “R &R”. But while there may only be one official day of the year where you are treated like absolute royalty, our team of Fareham chiropractors believe that you deserve TLC the…

Fareham Chiropractor Elaine Cooke introduces a new face at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic

Fareham Chiropractor Elaine Cooke introduces a new face at Homewood Chiropractic Clinic

For over 50 years, Homewood Chiropractic Clinic has been treating and taking care of the people in and around Fareham and we have treated thousands of patients. During this time, Homewood Clinic has built an enviable reputation as a leading provider of quality professional care and service. Our dedicated team of Chiropractors and a supporting…