back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

Cooking Christmas Lunch Can Be Back Breaking Work!

Christmas is a very special time of the year for many of us. It’s a time when traditions come to the fore and one of those traditions is Christmas Lunch where our dining table bows under the weight of all the food on offer! It’s a time when families and friends get together and enjoy…

Christmas Lunch Could Cook up Back Problems Warns Our Chiropractor in Fareham!

Christmas Lunch Could Cook up Back Problems Warns Our Chiropractor in Fareham!

Christmas dinner with all the trimmings… it’s one of the things we look forward to most about Christmas day (after opening our gifts, of course!). But behind every golden roast potato; every mouth-watering “pig-in -blanket” and every scrumptious turkey is a busy cook doing their best to feed a family-full of eager appetites. While we…