Back Safe Gardening From Our Fareham Chiropractor

Back Safe Gardening From Our Fareham Chiropractor

Spring is just around the corner, which means it is the perfect time of year to start planning updates to your garden. However, before you run outside to start weeding, digging, and planting, it’s important to take a moment to think about safety in the garden. Many patients visiting our Homewood Chiropractic clinic in Fareham…

Back Safe Gardening Advice from our Fareham Chiropractor

Back Safe Gardening Advice from our Fareham Chiropractor

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the United Kingdom. It is a relaxing activity that can offer many benefits to participants, including improved cardiovascular fitness, healthier bones, and stronger muscles. Gardening can also strengthen social connections, provide plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to eat, and lift your mood. It really is…

back care advice from a fareham chiropractor

Give Your Back A Break In The Garden

We Brits love our gardens. With longer days and hopefully some sunshine, garden centres up and down the country will be full of gardeners keen to buy plants, accessories and equipment. Gardeners spend a lot of time and money on their gardens and derive great satisfaction in the process. Gardening is a great activity to…

Green Fingers? Tips to Keep Your Back Safe When Gardening.

Green Fingers? Tips to Keep Your Back Safe When Gardening.

If blue skies mean “green fingers” then your back could be in for a real workout as you get your garden in shape-ship order this spring! Having a beautiful garden can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction, but no amount of gorgeous grounds is worth the risk of back pain. That’s why our Fareham…

Keep your back safe in the garden this autumn with this advice from our Fareham Chiropractor

We are certainly experiencing some glorious weather this autumn which is certainly encouraging many of us out in the garden. There’s still plenty to do in the garden from tidying up plants that are dying back, planting new ones and of course raking up leaves! Keep you back safe Whatever you are doing in the…

Take care of your back while gardening with some advice from a Fareham Chiropractor

Take care of your back while gardening with some advice from a Fareham Chiropractor

At this time of year our chiropractors at Homewood Clinic often see more patients who have injured their backs while gardening. While gardening can be a great form of exercise we want to remind all you gardeners of a few tips and some good advice that will minimise the risk to your back over the…