Enjoy A Back Pain Free Summer With These Tips From Our Fareham Chiropractor

Enjoy A Back Pain Free Summer With These Tips From Our Fareham Chiropractor

With summer around the corner, our thoughts are quickly turning to outdoor adventures, BBQs, holidays and everything else that makes the British sunny season the happiest time of the year. But if you suffer from chronic back pain, the summer months can be as dark and dreary as a cold January day. According to our…

healthy living advice from our fareham chiropractor

Sizzling Summer Foods to Boost Your Health

It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh produce abounds. Here at our Fareham chiropractic clinic, there is nothing we love better than filling up on fresh, delicious and healthy food. Here are some of our favourite summer fruits and vegetables that are overflowing with amazing health benefits: Corn Whether it’s on the BBQ or…

back care advice from our Homewood Chiropractor in Fareham

Don’t Let Your Back Pain Ruin Your Summer Plans!

The sun is shining and everyone is making plans for fun and adventure-packed days out. Family talks revolve around summer getaways, long days at the beach and anything and everything that screams “outdoors!”. But all you can think about is how your back is going to survive the summer social calendar. Our Fareham chiropractor explains…