Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

We all know that regular exercise is an important part of staying healthy. However, many of the patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Fareham are dealing with joint pain, mobility issues, or inflammation which limits their ability to exercise. When these patients come to Homewood Chiropractic Clinic, we often recommend that they take up…

Spring Your Spine into Blooming Health With These Fun Seasonal Hobbies

Spring Your Spine into Blooming Health With These Fun Seasonal Hobbies

After being cooped up inside all winter, most of us are itching to enjoy the sunny, springtime air at this time of the year. But what if you suffer from chronic back pain? Does this mean you have to sit on the side lines? Not at all! According to our Fareham chiropractor (and pretty much…

back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

Have Fun And Get Active

Being active and taking moderate levels of exercise is good for our overall health including the health of our spines. As chiropractors in our busy chiropractic clinic in Fareham we encourage our patients to be active, if it’s appropriate for their condition. When people hear “active” and “take some exercise” they’re first thoughts often turn…

healthy livign advice from our fareham chiropractor

Swim Your Way to New Year Health!

Looking for a fun and easy way to kick-start your health this January? Head no further than your local swimming pool! According to our Fareham chiropractor, swimming offers something that no other aerobic exercise does: the ability to work your body without impact to your skeletal system. That’s because when your body is submerged in…

back care advice from our Fareham chiropractor

Summer Activities to Ease Your Aches and Pains

Summer is finally shining down on the UK and we can look forward to some quality time getting out and about in the calm July air. But if you’re living with back pain, the arrival of the summer months may arouse some not-so-cheerful feelings. For you, the sunnier season may mean the daunting prospect of…