stay injury free in 2023

10 ways to stay injury free in 2023

Although Chiropractic care can help to relieve and recover many injuries, prevention is always better than cure. Whether you’re starting the year with a resolution to take on a new challenge or continuing your existing love of fitness, sport, or even day-to-day activities; working some good habits into your daily regime could make a big…

back care tips from our fareham chiropractor

Show Your Back Some Love With Advice From Our Fareham Chiropractors

Valentine’s Day may have come and gone but that’s no reason to show your back some love (and yourself!). At Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham our chiropractors have put together some self care tips that will help you improve the health of your back and avoid an unexpected trip to our clinic.   Improve The…

Walk Your Way To Better Health With Advice Form Our Fareham Chiropractor

Walk Your Way To Better Health With Advice Form Our Fareham Chiropractor

From pilates and yoga to swimming and lifting weights, there are dozens of ways you can exercise. However, if you talk to one of our Fareham chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic, they will say there is one form of exercise that stands above the rest — walking. Chiropractors recommend walking because it is a low impact…

exercise advice from our Fareham chiropractor

Walk Your Way To A Better Back

What if we were to tell you there is a  single form of exercise which could: trim your waist line, lift your mood, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and improve your back health — all without costing a penny. Sounds too good to be true? This “magical” exercise is walking. It is a simple,…

exercsie advice from our Fareham Chiropractor

Walk Away from Back Pain Today With This Advice From Our Fareham Chiropractor

Want an easy way to reduce your back pain? Just put one foot in front of the other! According to our Fareham chiropractor, walking is one of the best ways to combat chronic back pain. Here’s why: When you walk, you lift your leg and bring it forward. This action requires you to use muscles…

Spring Your Spine into Blooming Health With These Fun Seasonal Hobbies

Spring Your Spine into Blooming Health With These Fun Seasonal Hobbies

After being cooped up inside all winter, most of us are itching to enjoy the sunny, springtime air at this time of the year. But what if you suffer from chronic back pain? Does this mean you have to sit on the side lines? Not at all! According to our Fareham chiropractor (and pretty much…

advice from our fareham chiropractors for staying active

Christmas Lunch Over – Why Not Take A Walk?

You may be surprised that we’re already talking about what you can do after your Christmas Day Lunch – well our chiropractors thought it would be a good idea to take your mind off the usual tasks of Christmas, like present shopping and planning the menu! For many when the hullabaloo of the Christmas lunch…

back care advice from our Fareham chiropractor

It’s Walk To School Month

It’s Walk To School month and this year the campaign is focused on looking at ways to make the walk to school safer and easier. It’s disturbing to read that new figures released by DfT on 27th September revealed that 14 per cent of children killed on Great Britain’s roads last year were between 7-9am…

healthy living advice from our fareham chiropractor

Put Your Best Foot Forward This Autumn

After a long hot summer many people are looking forward to the milder weather of Autumn. Autumn can be a great time to get outdoors and take some exercise. Many patients who visit our team of chiropractors at our busy chiropractic clinic in Fareham are often surprised when they are advised to take regular exercise…

back care advice from our fareham chiropractor

Have Fun And Get Active

Being active and taking moderate levels of exercise is good for our overall health including the health of our spines. As chiropractors in our busy chiropractic clinic in Fareham we encourage our patients to be active, if it’s appropriate for their condition. When people hear “active” and “take some exercise” they’re first thoughts often turn…