stay injury free in 2023

10 ways to stay injury free in 2023

Although Chiropractic care can help to relieve and recover many injuries, prevention is always better than cure. Whether you’re starting the year with a resolution to take on a new challenge or continuing your existing love of fitness, sport, or even day-to-day activities; working some good habits into your daily regime could make a big…

spinal stenosis information from our fareham chiropractor

What Is Spinal Stenosis And How Can It Be Treated?

At Homewood Chiropractic Clinic in Fareham we treat patients with a wide variety of conditions including minor sports injuries, back pain and poor posture. These types of health problems can usually be resolved fairly quickly using chiropractic treatments and lifestyle adjustments This post will identify the causes of spinal stenosis and what treatment options are…

Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

We all know that regular exercise is an important part of staying healthy. However, many of the patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Fareham are dealing with joint pain, mobility issues, or inflammation which limits their ability to exercise. When these patients come to Homewood Chiropractic Clinic, we often recommend that they take up…

How Does A Chiropractor Treat Lower Back Pain?

How Does A Chiropractor Treat Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the most common medical ailments amongst people living in the UK. According to the NIH, about one-third of the UK adult population is affected by lower back pain with 20% (approximately 2.6 million people) having pain so bad that they need to seek help from their GP. So, it’s…