advice for reducing stress from our Fareham chiropractors

5 Ways To Stress Less with Advice From Our Fareham Chiropractors

It is not uncommon for patient visiting our Fareham chiropractic clinic to be suffering with severe muscular tension. It is no coincidence that many of these patients are experiencing high levels of stress in their day to day lives. Stress can be a significant contributor to tension in the muscles, which can cause pain, increase…

Walk Your Way To Better Health With Advice Form Our Fareham Chiropractor

Walk Your Way To Better Health With Advice Form Our Fareham Chiropractor

From pilates and yoga to swimming and lifting weights, there are dozens of ways you can exercise. However, if you talk to one of our Fareham chiropractors at Homewood Chiropractic, they will say there is one form of exercise that stands above the rest — walking. Chiropractors recommend walking because it is a low impact…

Signs And Symptoms Of Spinal Misalignment

Signs And Symptoms Of Spinal Misalignment

Spinal Misalignment can lead to a wide variety of unexpected health problems. These problems range from limb pain and numbness through to fatigue and frequent headaches. The spine is a critical part of the human body. It provides rigidity and flexibility to the torso, letting you perform essential tasks like moving your limbs, standing upright,…

What Is Sciatica And How You May Ease The Pain?

Sciatica is a painful condition. Sufferers often describe the symptoms as a stabbing, burning or shooting pain often travelling from the buttock down the back of the leg to the foot and toes. Sufferers will also describe symptoms such as tingling, like pins and needles, numbness or weakness. Some describe the symptoms being worse when…

Simple Ways To Avoid Lower Back Pain During Lockdown

Simple Ways To Avoid Lower Back Pain During Lockdown

The UK’s government’s COVID-19 lockdown has significantly changed the way we live our lives. It has forced many people to work from home and made everyday activities like going to the gym impossible. Unfortunately, some of these changes have the potential to cause or inflame health problems like lower back pain. Whilst Lockdown restrictions may…

Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

Our Fareham Chiropractor Shares The Many Health Benefits Of Swimming

We all know that regular exercise is an important part of staying healthy. However, many of the patients who visit our chiropractic clinic in Fareham are dealing with joint pain, mobility issues, or inflammation which limits their ability to exercise. When these patients come to Homewood Chiropractic Clinic, we often recommend that they take up…

exercise advice from our fareham chiropractor

Autumn Health Hacks to Keep Back Pain At Bay

With its rich golden colours and glowing evenings, autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. But according to our Fareham chiropractor, it can be one of the hardest seasons on your spine. As much as we all love autumn, most of us will agree that it doesn’t exactly fill us with…

healthy living advice from our fareham chiropractor

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

The New Year is underway and it’s a time when many people make their New Year’s Resolution. You may very well have made yours too! A common resolution that is made is to become healthier. This can conjure up all kinds of thoughts as to what this entails. Gym memberships soar, fad diet books rush…

advice from our fareham chiropractors for staying active

Christmas Lunch Over – Why Not Take A Walk?

You may be surprised that we’re already talking about what you can do after your Christmas Day Lunch – well our chiropractors thought it would be a good idea to take your mind off the usual tasks of Christmas, like present shopping and planning the menu! For many when the hullabaloo of the Christmas lunch…

advice from our fareham chiropractor on handling stress

Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Health

It seems that stress is affecting more and more people’s lives and our chiropractors at our busy clinic in Fareham are seeing the consequences that stress is having on patients’ health. Being under stress from time to time is one thing but placing our bodies under continuous stress can have dire consequences on our overall…